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What is the cheapest way to store liquid nitrogen?

Author: victor

Nov. 06, 2023

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Liquid nitrogen is a versatile substance with various applications, ranging from scientific research and medical procedures to culinary delights and industrial processes. When it comes to long-term storage, ensuring the safe and cost-effective preservation of this valuable resource is paramount. In this blog, we will delve into the various options available and determine the cheapest way to store liquid nitrogen without compromising its integrity or efficiency.

Understanding the Need:

Liquid nitrogen, being incredibly cold at a temperature of -196°C (-320°F), requires specialized storage systems to prevent evaporation and maintain its properties. Choosing the right storage method not only impacts cost but also guarantees the preservation of the nitrogen's unique characteristics for optimal usage.

What is the cheapest way to store liquid nitrogen?

Traditional Dewar Flasks:

Dewar flasks have been the go-to solution for liquid nitrogen storage for over a century. Their double-walled, vacuum-sealed design significantly minimizes heat transfer and evaporation. Dewars are available in different sizes, ranging from small, portable models to larger units suitable for lab environments.

While Dewar flasks are highly dependable and widely used, they do come with inherent limitations. Firstly, they have a limited storage capacity and can only store a certain volume of liquid nitrogen. Additionally, the frequent refilling required can increase operational costs depending on the frequency of usage. Ultimately, Dewar flasks may be a reliable choice for small-scale applications, but they may not be the cheapest option for larger storage needs.

Bulk Storage Tanks:

For organizations requiring larger quantities of liquid nitrogen, bulk storage tanks offer an efficient and cost-effective solution. These tanks are designed to store liquid nitrogen at cryogenic temperatures while minimizing evaporation loss. Bulk storage tanks come in vertical or horizontal designs, allowing for flexibility in installation based on available space.

While initially more expensive than Dewar flasks, bulk storage tanks provide unparalleled storage capacity and decreased maintenance requirements. The ability to refill in bulk reduces the frequency of deliveries, cutting down on operational costs over time. Moreover, bulk storage tanks are often equipped with automatic level monitoring systems, ensuring nitrogen supply availability while reducing human intervention.

Considerations for Cheaper Alternatives:

Apart from traditional storage methods, there are a few creative approaches that may offer cost-effective alternatives for liquid nitrogen storage:

1. Cryogenic Freezers:

Cryogenic freezers not only provide ultra-low temperature storage but also maintain a controlled environment. These freezers are designed to store materials at a specific temperature, making them suitable for nitrogen storage. Capitalizing on existing cryogenic storage solutions can prove cost-effective, especially in research facilities or laboratories with existing systems.

2. Cryopreservation Equipment:

If a longer storage duration is desired, cryopreservation equipment can be an ideal choice. This method involves freezing biological samples using liquid nitrogen and storing them in cryogenic freezers or specialized tanks. While typically used for biological materials, this approach can be adapted to store pure liquid nitrogen as well, utilizing affordable off-the-shelf cryopreservation equipment.

3. Collaboration and Rental Options: .

Collaboration with nearby research institutions or facilities may provide an opportunity to pool resources and share storage infrastructure. This can reduce costs significantly, especially for organizations with intermittent storage requirements. Additionally, exploring rental options for liquid nitrogen storage equipment allows businesses to temporarily scale storage capacity without high upfront investments.


The cheapest way to store liquid nitrogen depends on various factors such as required storage capacity, frequency of usage, and available infrastructure. While traditional Dewar flasks are suitable for smaller applications, bulk storage tanks offer increased capacity and reduced operational expenses for larger-scale needs. Exploring alternative methods like cryogenic freezers, cryopreservation equipment, or collaborating with other facilities can also be cost-effective solutions. Remember, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of your use case to determine the most economical approach for liquid nitrogen storage without compromising quality or safety.

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