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What is the best way to clean plastic patio chairs?

Author: Vic

Dec. 21, 2023

50 0 0


When it comes to outdoor furniture, plastic patio chairs offer a convenient and affordable option for homeowners seeking comfort and versatility. However, over time, these chairs are bound to accumulate dirt, stains, and grime from prolonged exposure to the elements. If you're looking to restore your plastic patio chairs to their former glory, you've come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we'll share valuable tips and tricks to help you achieve a spotlessly clean set of plastic patio chairs.

1. Gather Your Cleaning Supplies:

Before diving into the cleaning process, it's essential to gather all the necessary supplies. Here's a list of commonly used items:

What is the best way to clean plastic patio chairs?

- Warm water.

- Mild dish soap or detergent.

- Baking soda.

- White vinegar.

- Soft-bristle brush or sponge.

- Microfiber cloth or towel.

- Water hose or bucket.

2. Basic Cleaning Steps:

Start by rinsing off loose debris and dust from the plastic chairs using a water hose or a bucket of warm water. Then, create a cleaning solution by mixing dish soap or detergent with warm water. Dip a soft-bristle brush or sponge into the solution and scrub the chairs gently, focusing on any visibly stained or dirty areas. Repeat this process until the chairs look clean, and rinse them thoroughly with clean water.

3. Tackling Stubborn Stains:

For tougher stains or ingrained dirt, a combination of baking soda and warm water can work wonders. Form a thick paste by mixing equal parts of baking soda and water. Apply the paste onto the affected areas and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Next, gently scrub the stains using a soft-bristle brush, adding more paste if needed. Rinse the chairs thoroughly to remove any residue. Baking soda's mild abrasive properties help lift stains without damaging the plastic surface.

4. Dealing with Mold and Mildew:

Plastic patio chairs left outdoors for extended periods are prone to developing mold and mildew. To combat these common issues, white vinegar proves to be highly effective. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the affected areas, allowing it to sit for approximately 20 minutes. Then, use a soft-bristle brush or sponge to scrub away the mold or mildew. Rinse the chairs thoroughly with clean water to ensure the vinegar smell dissipates.

5. Preventing Future Stains:

To minimize the chance of future stains, create a protective barrier on your plastic patio chairs. After cleaning, apply a thin layer of car wax or a UV-resistant plastic protectant directly onto the chairs' surfaces. These products provide a protective shield against harmful UV rays, preventing color fading or yellowing, and also make it easier to wipe away dirt and stains in the future.

6. Maintenance Tips:

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your plastic patio chairs in pristine condition for years to come. Here are a few maintenance tips to consider:

- Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as they can scratch or damage the plastic surface.

- Periodically rinse your chairs with water to remove dust and debris.

- Cover or store your chairs during extreme weather conditions, such as storms or intense sunlight.

- If you have cushions or fabric seat covers, follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and care.


Cleaning your plastic patio chairs doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to restore your chairs to their original beauty in no time. Remember to gather the necessary supplies, start with basic cleaning steps, tackle stubborn stains with baking soda, combat mold and mildew using vinegar, and finally, apply a protective barrier for future prevention. By investing a little effort into regular maintenance, your plastic patio chairs will offer a comfortable and attractive outdoor seating solution for years to come.

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