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What can I use instead of bollard?

Author: Marina

Jan. 14, 2024

38 0 0


What can I use instead of bollard?

Bollards have long been used as a means to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic, providing safety and security in various settings. However, as times change and technology advances, alternatives to traditional bollards have emerged. In this article, we will explore different options that you can consider instead of using bollards.

1) Removable Bollards: One of the most popular alternatives to fixed bollards is the use of removable bollards. These bollards are designed to be easily installed or removed, providing flexibility for traffic management. They are commonly used in areas where occasional access is required, such as temporary road closures or event setups. Removable bollards can be locked into place when needed and removed when not in use.

What can I use instead of bollard?

2) Retractable Bollards: Another option to consider is the use of retractable bollards. These bollards can be raised or lowered manually or automatically, providing selective access control. They are often seen in parking lots and private driveways, where controlled entry and exit are necessary. Retractable bollards offer flexibility while maintaining security measures.

3) Roadway Gates: In situations where access control is paramount, roadway gates can be an effective alternative to bollards. These gates can be motorized or manually operated to either allow or restrict vehicular access. Roadway gates are commonly used at checkpoints, toll booths, and high-security areas where only authorized personnel are permitted.

4) Rising Kerbs: Rising kerbs are becoming increasingly popular as a traffic management solution. These kerbs are embedded into road surfaces and can be raised or lowered to regulate entry or exit points. Rising kerbs use hydraulic systems to control their movements, providing a secure and efficient means of access control. They are often employed in bus lanes, pedestrian zones, and residential areas.

5) Speed Humps: When the objective is to slow down traffic rather than completely restrict it, speed humps can be an effective alternative. Speed humps are raised areas on the road that force drivers to slow down. They are particularly useful in areas with high pedestrian traffic, school zones, or neighborhoods where speeding is a concern. By implementing speed humps, you can enhance both safety and traffic calming measures.

6) Artistic Installations: For areas where aesthetics play a significant role, artistic installations can be used as an alternative to traditional bollards. These installations serve the dual purpose of adding visual appeal and providing a physical barrier. Sculptures, planters, or other decorative structures can be strategically placed to create a sense of boundary without compromising on aesthetics.

In conclusion, there are various alternatives to consider instead of using bollards for traffic control and security. Removable bollards, retractable bollards, roadway gates, rising kerbs, speed humps, and artistic installations all offer unique benefits depending on the specific requirements of your location. Assessing the needs of your site, considering both functionality and aesthetics, will help determine the most appropriate alternative to traditional bollards. Remember to consult with traffic management experts to ensure the chosen solution aligns with safety regulations and local traffic laws.

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