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How do you ripen pears indoors?

Author: Ingrid

Jan. 13, 2024

35 0 0


When it comes to enjoying the succulent sweetness of pears, we all know that perfect ripeness is key. But what if you can't wait for pears to ripen on their own? Luckily, with a little bit of know-how and some patience, you can ripen pears indoors, ensuring they reach their peak sooner. In this blog post, we'll explore different methods and techniques that will help you achieve pear perfection in the comfort of your own home.

1. Choose the Right Pear Varieties:

Not all pears are created equal when it comes to ripening. Some pear varieties, such as Bartlett, Anjou, and Comice, are known to ripen well indoors. It's essential to buy firm pears that are still slightly green, as overly soft ones might not ripen evenly or have the desired texture. Remember, the quality of your pears at the beginning will greatly influence the result.

How do you ripen pears indoors?

2. Patience is a Virtue:

Ripening pears indoors requires a bit of patience. Don't expect instant results; it typically takes a few days to a week for pears to ripen fully. However, by following the steps below, you'll be rewarded with delectable fruits.

3. Isolation Technique:

Place the firm pears in a paper bag or wrap them individually in a newspaper to kickstart the ripening process. This method works due to the natural gas, ethylene, produced by the pears. The enclosed environment traps the ethylene, enhancing the ripening process. To speed up ripening, add an apple or banana to the bag, both of which release more ethylene gas.

4. Temperature and Humidity:

Pears love moderate temperatures and humidity levels. It's ideal to store them at room temperature, around 65-75°F (18-24°C), to facilitate a gradual ripening process. Avoid exposing pears to direct sunlight or extreme temperature changes, as this can negatively impact their ripening. Remember to check on them daily and monitor any changes in their condition.

5. The Delicate Art of Checking Ripeness:

Knowing when your pears are at their peak can be a challenge, but a few simple tricks can help you identify ripeness. Gently press the neck of the pear with your thumb; if it gives slightly, it's a good indication that it's ripe. Alternatively, a sweet aroma near the stem suggests ripeness. As you gain experience, you'll develop your own personal preference for firm or soft pears.

6. Refrigerator Storage:

If your pears are ripe but you're not ready to eat them just yet, you can prolong their life by storing them in the refrigerator. Keep in mind that refrigeration slows down the ripening process, so make sure to consume them within a few days. For optimal flavor, let chilled pears sit at room temperature for a while before enjoying them.

7. Ripening Tricks for Emergency Situations:

For those times when you need ripe pears as quickly as possible, you can try a couple of alternative methods. One suggestion is to place the firm pears in a fruit bowl along with a few already ripe pears. The ripe ones will release more ethylene, expediting the ripening process. Another technique is to wrap the pears individually in a sheet of newspaper and put them in a dry, dark place – like a closed drawer – for faster ripening.


Ripening pears indoors can be both an art and a science, but with the right techniques and a little patience, you can enjoy these delectable fruits at their prime. Remember to choose the right pear varieties, create an isolated environment, monitor temperature and humidity, and check for ripeness. By following these steps, you'll unlock the secret to perfectly ripe pears every time. So, why wait? Start ripening your pears indoors and bring out their inherent sweetness, sumptuous texture, and enthralling aroma right in your own kitchen.

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