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How can you tell real turquoise from dyed Howlite?

Author: Evelyn w

Dec. 07, 2023

71 0 0


How Can You Tell Real Turquoise from Dyed Howlite?

The demand for turquoise gemstones has always been high due to their stunning blue-green hues and distinctive beauty. However, with the increasing popularity of this gemstone comes a rising market for dyed howlite, a less expensive and more readily available material that can be passed off as turquoise. It is crucial to be able to differentiate between the two to ensure that you are purchasing genuine turquoise. In this article, we will explore the key characteristics and methods to distinguish real turquoise from dyed howlite.

Color: A Visual Indicator.

How can you tell real turquoise from dyed Howlite?

When it comes to distinguishing between real turquoise and dyed Howlite, color is often the first aspect that catches one's eye. Turquoise naturally occurs in a wide range of shades, from pale blue to intense green. Genuine turquoise possesses a richness and depth in color that is difficult to replicate. On the other hand, dyed howlite often exhibits uniform and intensely vibrant blue coloration, lacking the natural variations found in genuine turquoise. Therefore, examining the color of the stone can be a helpful initial step in determining its authenticity.

Texture and Pattern: The Feel and Look Factor.

Another important characteristic to consider is the texture and pattern of the gemstone. Genuine turquoise is typically opaque and possesses a smooth, waxy feel when touched. It can exhibit a variety of patterns, including web-like veins, speckles, and matrix formations. On the contrary, dyed howlite tends to have a slightly chalky texture and lacks the distinct patterns associated with turquoise. Inspecting the gemstone for these textural and pattern-related features can provide a clear indication of its authenticity.

Porosity: A Water Test.

Determining the porosity of the gemstone can also serve as a reliable method to differentiate between real turquoise and dyed howlite. Genuine turquoise is a porous stone, meaning it can absorb water. If you place a drop of water on the surface of the stone, it should be absorbed within a few seconds. Dyed howlite, on the other hand, is not as porous and will not easily absorb water. This simple water test can quickly help you identify whether the gemstone is genuine turquoise or a dyed imitation.

Professional Opinion: Seeking Expert Advice.

When in doubt, it is always wise to seek the guidance of an expert or a reputable jeweler who specializes in gemstones. They possess the knowledge and experience to identify the subtle differences between genuine turquoise and dyed howlite. Professional gemologists can use various techniques, such as magnification and light transmission tests, to accurately determine the authenticity of a gemstone.

Closing paragraph:

In conclusion, the demand for turquoise gemstones has led to an increase in the market for dyed howlite imitations. To ensure that you are purchasing real turquoise, it is crucial to be able to differentiate between the two. By considering factors such as color, texture, porosity, and seeking professional advice, you can confidently identify genuine turquoise from dyed howlite. So, the next time you are in the market for turquoise jewelry or gemstones, remember to apply these techniques to make an informed purchase.

If you have any further questions regarding turquoise or any other gemstones, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and provide accurate information to ensure your satisfaction and help you make well-informed decisions.

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