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Does coconut oil really whiten your teeth?

Author: Liang

Jan. 22, 2024

18 0 0


In the world of natural remedies, coconut oil has gained a reputation for its various health benefits. From skincare to hair care, the versatility of this tropical wonder is often praised. However, one particular claim has been making waves in the dental-care world - that coconut oil can whiten your teeth naturally. But does this really hold true? Let's dive deeper into the topic to explore the claims, research, and potential benefits of using coconut oil for teeth whitening.

The Science Behind Teeth Discoloration:

To understand how coconut oil might aid in teeth whitening, we must first understand the causes of tooth discoloration. Teeth can become stained due to multiple factors, such as consuming certain foods and beverages (coffee, tea, wine), smoking, poor oral hygiene, or aging. These stains occur when pigmented compounds, known as chromogens, latch onto the tooth enamel or get embedded within the dentin, the inner layer of the tooth.

Does coconut oil really whiten your teeth?

The Claims:

Advocates of coconut oil for teeth whitening argue that the oil's natural properties can help eliminate or reduce these stains. They suggest that the lauric acid and medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics that contribute to oral health. Proponents also claim that swishing or "pulling" coconut oil in the mouth, known as oil pulling, helps remove plaque and bacteria responsible for staining and discoloration.

The Research:

While anecdotal evidence abounds, scientific research on coconut oil's effectiveness as a teeth whitening agent is limited. A limited number of small-scale studies have shown promising results, though they are not considered conclusive evidence. One study published in the Nigerian Journal of Medicine found that oil pulling with coconut oil significantly reduced plaque formation and improved overall oral health. However, the study did not specifically address teeth whitening.

Another study published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice showed that oil pulling with sesame oil reduced tooth staining, suggesting that oil pulling itself might have benefits for teeth whitening. Nevertheless, further research is needed to determine if coconut oil offers similar results.

Tips for Coconut Oil Teeth Whitening:

If you're keen on giving coconut oil a try, here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Choose high-quality organic, cold-pressed coconut oil: Opt for an unrefined variety to ensure you're getting the maximum benefits from naturally occurring compounds.

2. Oil pulling technique: Begin with a teaspoon of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for about 10-15 minutes, ensuring that it reaches all areas. To reduce the risk of swallowing, avoid gargling or forcefully swishing the oil.

3. Spit it out: After oil pulling, spit out the oil into a tissue or trash can. Avoid spitting it into the sink, as coconut oil may solidify and clog the drains over time.

4. Brush your teeth afterwards: While oil pulling might help remove some surface stains, it’s crucial to follow up with your regular oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth thoroughly with fluoride toothpaste and use dental floss to maintain good oral health.


Though limited research supports positive claims about coconut oil teeth whitening, it is important to temper our expectations. While coconut oil may offer mild whitening benefits and contribute to overall oral health, it is not a substitute for professional dental treatments. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine visits to your dentist remain the cornerstone of preserving a healthy and dazzling smile.

Let us remember that what works for some may not work for all, and individual results can vary. So, if coconut oil teeth whitening appeals to you, go ahead and give it a try. Just remember to maintain realistic expectations and consult your dentist if you have any concerns or questions. After all, a bright smile not only helps with appearance but also boosts confidence and overall well-being.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website teeth whitening dry strips factory, pap whitening strips company, Dead Sea Salt Teeth Whitening Strips.


