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Are PTC heaters cheap to run?

Author: Ingrid

Feb. 12, 2024

29 0 0


Are PTC Heaters Cheap to Run?

When it comes to heating options, many people consider the cost factor as an important deciding factor. PTC heaters, or Positive Temperature Coefficient heaters, have gained popularity in recent years due to their energy-efficient nature. In this article, we will explore whether PTC heaters are actually cheap to run and analyze the various factors that contribute to their energy efficiency.

Understanding PTC Heaters:

Are PTC heaters cheap to run?

PTC heaters work on a different principle compared to traditional heaters. They have a ceramic heating element with a Positive Temperature Coefficient. This means that as the temperature of the heater increases, its resistance also increases, limiting the amount of electrical current flowing through it. This self-regulating feature of PTC heaters makes them energy-efficient as they draw less power when the desired temperature is reached, resulting in lower energy consumption.

Secondary Heading: Energy Efficiency of PTC Heaters.

PTC heaters are known for their high energy efficiency. Unlike conventional heaters, these heaters do not have a continuous heating cycle. Once the desired temperature is reached, the resistance increases, causing the heater to draw less power. This means that the heater doesn't consume unnecessary energy, making it cost-effective in the long run. Additionally, PTC heaters have improved insulation, preventing heat loss and further increasing their energy efficiency.

Secondary Heading: Temperature Control and Heat Distribution.

One of the key features of PTC heaters is their ability to provide precise temperature control. They have a built-in thermostat that regulates the heat output based on the desired temperature setting. This ensures that the heater operates only when necessary, saving energy and reducing running costs. Moreover, PTC heaters are designed to distribute heat evenly across the room. This means that the heating is not concentrated in one area, allowing for more efficient use of energy.

Secondary Heading: Additional Features and Safety Measures.

PTC heaters often come with additional features that enhance their energy efficiency and reduce running costs. Many models have timers and programmable settings that allow users to schedule heating cycles according to their needs. This ensures that the heater is not running unnecessarily when the room is unoccupied. Furthermore, PTC heaters are equipped with safety measures such as tip-over protection and overheat protection, which not only contribute to their energy efficiency but also provide peace of mind for users.


In conclusion, PTC heaters are indeed cheap to run compared to traditional heaters. Their self-regulating nature, precise temperature control, efficient heat distribution, and additional features make them highly energy-efficient, resulting in cost savings. Additionally, the safety measures incorporated in PTC heaters provide reassurance for users. If you are looking for a cost-effective heating solution, a PTC heater is definitely worth considering.

For more information on PTC heaters or to explore our range of energy-efficient heating options, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Ptc Heater in Ev, Ptc in Hvac, Are Ptc Heaters Safe. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.


